Sunday, June 5, 2016

2016 New Music on the Bayou Summer Festival

The New Music on the Bayou Summer Festival is a festival of contemporary solo & chamber works. It affords an opportunity for contemporary composers to work with professional musicians during the rehearsal process and have their original compositions performed during an intense four-day festival. All compositions will be eligible for the Black Bayou Composition Award monetary prize.

6/2/2016 at 6:30 pm in The Palace, Monroe, Louisiana

PROGRAM included:

The Garden of Live Flowers . . . . Philip Schuessler
Milovan Paz (NSU alum)

Excursions . . . . Charles Corey
through the forest, at night
crossing the river, at morning
ascending the mountain, at dawn
Milovan Paz (NSU alum)

6/3/2016 at 7:30 pm in Biedenharn Hall at University of  Louisiana at Monroe

PROGRAM included:

Swept . . . . Suzanne Sorkin (3rd Prize)
Scott Humes (ULM) and Paul Christopher (NSU)

L to R: S. Humes, O. Molina, P. Christopher

6/4/2016 at 12:00 pm at the Black Bayou National Wildlife Refuge
Monroe, Louisiana

PROGRAM included:

topograhies . . . . John Teske (1st Prize)

In C . . . . Terry Riley

6/4/2016 at 7:30 pm at the Dixie Center for the Arts
Ruston, Louisiana

PROGRAM included:

Sonata for Violoncello and Piano . . . . Peter Dayton
Paul Christopher and Richard Seiler

Flat Earth Man Ape . . . . Noberto Oldrini (2nd Prize)
Paul Christopher, Sandra Lunte, and Richard Seiler

L to R: Norberto Oldrini (composer/Italy), Richard Seiler (piano, ULM), Mel Mobley (Festival Director, ULM), Paul Christopher (cello, NSU), Peter Dayton (composer/USA), Sandra Lunte (flute, ULM).

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