Thursday, April 1, 2010

4/13/2010 @ 4:00 pm

MUS 1500 Student Recital
Magale Hall in Natchitoches

PROGRAM includes:

Double Concerto in g minor for violoncelli, strings and basso continuo PV 411 .... A Vivaldi (1678-1741)
I. Allergro
II. Largo
III. Allegro
Northwestern Strings
Mario Torres, Conductor
Paul Christopher, Cello I
Jorge Rodriquez, Cello II

Violin I: Edward Charity, Petra Bubanja, Saul Caracamo, Marquis Montgomery
Violin II: Tina Martin, Jenny Ramos, Megan Gibson, Javier Laya
Viola: Evan Korn, Kerri Christopher
Celli: Brett Andrews, Lillia Lara
Bass: Alfredo Portillo

Celli Soli in the Overture from the opera William Tell.... G Rossini (1792-1868)
2009-2010 Cello Studio Class
Cello 1: Paul Christopher
Cello 2: Brett Andrews, Christina Lake, Eva Wilson 
Cello 3: Amber Carter, Christine Davis, Micah Sasser
Cello 4: Nabor Berumen, Jorge Rodriguez
Cello 5: Lillia Lara, Adam LeBlanc, Edward Norwood